MINISTRY OF AVIATION AERONAUTICAL RESEARCli COUNCIL CURRENT PAPERS The Low Speed Performance of Low Stagger Compressor Blading at Three Pitch/Chord Ratios
The low speed perfommlce of low stagger compressor bl& at three pitcbdchord ratlios-by-Two stages of low qeed, low stagger blading were tested &t man diameter pitc$/chord ratios of 0.43, 0.66 and C.34. Contmry to the indications of some earlier published work, t'nere was no si@ficant Pall-off in elYiciency at the lowest, pitching, and the trend of the performance was in line with that predicted by simple theory. These remits 3. considerable 'be~iq on the coqression of light gases, where low pitch/chord ratio s :~e needed to produce high stage temperature rises, in order to kc:ep the r~nber of stooges reasonably smai_l.
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The Performance of the 108 Compressor Fitted with Low Stagger Free Vortek Blading
This report contains a description of a large three-stage ~ompressnr whloh has been designed fnr detail thrco dimensional flow investlgat~ons. Particular attention has been pad to the accuracy of measurement on the ng and it 1s shown that the mzin errors are due to the unsteady nature of the flow and to speed fluctuations. Both of these factors are, however, consderably less than those nomm.Uy ...
متن کاملMINISTRY OF AVIATION AERONAUTICAL RESEARCH COUNCIL CURRENT PAPERS Simulation of Ground Controlled Approaches with Reference to Certain Accidents
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MINISTRY OF AVIATION AERONAUTICAL RESEARCH COUNCIL CURRENT PAPERS Qualitative Solution of the Stability Equation for a Boundary Layer in Contact with Various Forms of Flexible Surface
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